以第一作者和通讯作者发表论文列表: 1、 胡瑞,许春霞,熊乐,Roger Lewis,Raman Maiti等.三轴矢量无人飞行器的创新设计与研究[J].机械设计与研究,2020,36(5) :58-63. 2、 Chunxia Xu, Rui Hu*, Zhen Xiong, Fang Xie, Songshan Yan, etc. Research on the tribological Characteristics of Magnetic Porous Surface with of Magnetic Fluids Parameters and its Operating Conditions[J].Key Engineering Materials, 2020,12:100-104. 3、 胡瑞,熊乐,许春霞,熊震,杨小品,盛敬,Raman Maiti.曲率半径系数优化下弹性推力球轴承减摩特性研究[J]. 南昌工程学院学报,2020,39(4): 55-60 4、 熊乐,胡瑞*,许春霞,熊震,黄志开. 磁流体润滑特性及其轴承应用研究进展[J].轴承,2020,7: 61-67. 5、 胡瑞,许春霞,梁俊,温林成,万邵强,江剑峰. 全方位航拍无人机变形机架的创新设计与研究[J]. 机械设计与研究, 2018, 34(6): 193-197. (核心类) 6、 Rui HU, Chunxia XU. Influence of magnetic fluids cohesion force and Squeeze dynamic effect on the Lubrication Performance of Magnetic Fluids Journal Bearings. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017,9(9): 1-13. 7、 Rui HU, Rob Hewson, Ardian Morina and Zuomin LIU. Influence of material properties and operating conditions on the predicted performance of poro-elastic faced bearings[J]. Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2014, 228(2): 131-139. |